Upload File

Steps for Sending us a File

If your file is too big to email, we recommend sending the file via Dropbox. For your convenience, please see the instructions below if you are unfamiliar with using Dropbox.

Step 1.

Head over to Dropbox.com and create a free account.

Dropbox Step 1

Step 2.

Enter your Name, Email and create a password.
Dropbox Step 2

Step 3.

Simply click the Dropbox logo to proceed to the account overview. You can setup the Downloadable version later.

Dropbox Step 3

Step 4.

Click “Files”.

Dropbox Step 4

Step 5.

Click the upload button.

Dropbox Step 5

Step 6.

Proceed to Choose the files.

Dropbox Step 6

Step 7.

Select the File(s) you want to upload. Note: It’s best to include them all in one .zip file

Dropbox Step 7

Step 8.

Wait for the files to upload. This could take 1-60 minutes depending how big the file is and the speed of your internet.

Dropbox Step 8

Step 9.

Click Done.

Dropbox Step 9

Step 10.

Right Click, and click “Share Link”.

Dropbox Step 10

Step 11.

Copy the URL to your clipboard.
Dropbox Step 11

Step 12.

The Final step is completing the form on the side of the page to email the download to our team.

Email Download URL to us.

Once you have completed the steps to upload your file to Dropbox and copy the URL, please use this form to email the download URL to our team.

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